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EQing is actually the art of controlling each frequency in your recording.
This can add color, clarity, power, and/or effect. The proper use of EQ takes practice,listening and a little knowledge of what each frequency does. There are plenty of documents online to help you learn what each frequency does.
You can find a couple below-
Note-to-Note Frequency Chart
Frequency-Instrument chart
There are two basic forms of EQ plug-ins; the Graphic EQ and the Parametric EQ.

The Graphic EQ

The graphic EQ is the simpler of the two.
It's the common slider-type EQ with each slider being assigned a frequency range. The number of sliders determines the humber of bands the plug-in is divided into. A ten-band EQ will consist of 10 sliders. The frequencies covered by the graphic EQ will be divided evenly among the sliders.
Graphic EQs are good for general sound sculpting; cutting bottom end off a track that needs it, adding some high-end to get some sizzle on cymbals, etc.

The Parametric EQ

The Parametric EQ is more exacting than the graphic EQ, and typically contains three parameters for every single parameter in the graphic EQ. Where the graphic EQ allows adjusting a set frequency band by adjusting the slider, the parametric EQ will typically use a dial. A parametric EQ will also allow you to select the frequency you want to effect with a Frequency 'sweep' dial (remember the graphic EQ had pre-assigned frequencies). The parametric EQ will also allow you to set how wide of a frequency area you want to control around the chosen frequency. This is called bandwidth (often noted by a 'Q'). On a graphic EQ the bandwidth is again predetermined and spread evenly around the centered frequencies. On the parametric this bandwidth
can be spread out over a very wide (and sometimes even overlapping) frequency range, or it can very narrow for precise surgical adjustments.
It's all up to you , depending on how you set the bandwidth adjustment. the bandwidth.

There are even hybrids of the two types of EQ, such as the EQ18 that
allow the bandwidth to be adjusted around a set frequency.

Note how at the 375Hz and 500Hz settings the bandwidth has been adjusted to be wider than the default setting.
Click here to see a larger picture.

Another way to learn the use of the EQ plug-ins is to experiment with each frequency by cutting/boosting them and listening closely to the results.

Here's a proven method of identifying which frequencies to cut:

  1. Turn your speakers down.
  2. Solo the track you wish to EQ.
  3. Set up a Boost/Cut band with a very narrow Bandwidth (0.1 works well).
  4. Raise the band to +12 dB or so.
  5. Play the track.
  6. SLOWLY sweep the band from left to right and listen for muddy/nasty sounding frequencies. When you find a nasty frequency, cut it by -3 or so.
  7. Add another band and continue sweeping.
  8. Repeat as needed and TRUST YOUR EARS!
    For more advanced EQ information using n-track as an example, click here
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